2016年1月18日 星期一

童書分享 - If you give a dog a donut


原先想借"If you give a mouse a cookie",一本很出名的童書。但在圖書館找不到,找到另一本同系列的書 - If you give a dog a donut.  

其實還有其他"If you give..."系列。

說回我們今次看的"If you give a dog a donut" , 故事簡單幽默,插圖生動,每頁一至兩句英文句子,很適合剛開始讀英文故事書的小朋友。

If you give a dog a donut, he'll ask for some apple juice to go with it.

When you give him a juice, he'll drink it all up and make some more.

If he'll pick apples and throw them, he'll want to play ball......(Apple-throwing reminds him of baseball-throwing)

And some more things to happen, he'll finally remember he wants the apple juice and a donut to go with it.

1. If you give a mouse a cookie都是一個一連串有趣事情發生然後最終回想自己想要曲奇。想要曲奇,然後一杯奶,然後飲管......有中文譯本的,就是「如果你給老鼠吃餅乾」

2. 其他If you give系列有, if you give a pig a pancake, if you give a moose a muffin, if you give a pig a party, if you give a cat a cupcake......

3. 梳乎厘未吃過donut,第一次讀完這一本書,孩子問什麼是donut?那第二天Mami買了個donut給他吃。 開心到呢?

Please like 營養,親子 - 梳乎厘媽咪 for more sharing.

